Steve Nichols
NSI-MI Technologies
Steve is the Manager of Instrumentation Engineering at NSI-MI Technologies, where he leads the development and technical support of electronic standard products and instruments. Prior to this, he served as the Manager of Applications and Systems Engineering for 4 years and the Manager of Product Engineering for 11 years. Initially, Steve joined NSI-MI in 2002 as the Manager of Systems Engineering.
Steve has over 40 years of experience in engineering design and technical management, much of it spent advancing the state of the art in antenna, radar cross section, and radome measurement instrumentation and systems at NSI-MI, MI Technologies, and as part of the Microwave Instrumentation Division of Scientific Atlanta. He also served as Director of R&D for Satellite Networks for several years, managing product development for telephony and data VSAT systems, and he continued in this role after the business was sold to ViaSat.
Steve served on the Board of Directors for the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association from 2014-2017 as the Technical Coordinator, President, and Past-President. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE and has served on the Board of Directors for the IEEE Atlanta section.
Steve graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology with highest honors in 1980, receiving a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree. He received management training at Scientific Atlanta through the “Leadership through Teamwork” program. Steve has also published several technical papers on antenna measurement topics and has given presentations as an invited speaker at several related industry events, such as AMTA, ATMS India, and EuCAP.

Michael Havrilla
Air Force Institute of Technology
Michael J. Havrilla received B.S. degrees in Physics and Mathematics in 1987, the M.S.E.E degree in 1989 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2001 from Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. From 1990-1995, he was with General Electric Aircraft Engines, Evendale, OH and Lockheed Skunk Works, Palmdale, CA, where he worked as an electrical engineer. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. He is a Fellow of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA), a senior member of the IEEE, a member of URSI Commission B, and a member of the Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Xi honor societies. His current research interests include electromagnetic theory and measurement of complex media, electromagnetic propagation and radiation in anisotropic and bianisotropic materials, and quantum field theory.

Kim Hassett
Microwave Vision Group Company
Kim Hassett is currently a System Engineering SME and Business Development Manager for Orbit Advanced Technologies, Inc., Microwave Vision Group Company. Prior to joining MVG in 2018, Kim served as a Systems Engineer for NSI-MI Technologies, and a Senior Application Engineer for Near-field Systems, Inc. since 2003. Kim received her BSEE from the University of Maryland in 1985, followed by graduate studies in Electromagnetics at The John Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering. After graduation, she worked for Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems) in Baltimore, Maryland and spent the early part of her career designing phased array antennas and later became involved with phased array analysis, simulation, and modeling. This eventually led her to the antenna range where she worked for seven years specializing in phased array calibration and testing. She joined Hewlett-Packard/Agilent technologies in 1998 as a Support Engineer for antenna measurement systems, and later as a Technical Consultant for network analysis, spectrum analysis, satellite test systems, and wideband surveillance systems.
Kim is a Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); a Fellow member and Distinguished Service Award recipient of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA); and has served AMTA as a member of the Technical Committee, Web Oversight Committee, Newsletter Editor, and on the Board of Directors as President, Treasurer, AMTA 2015 Symposium Host, and AMTA 2019 Symposium Host.

Peter J. Collins
Resonant Sciences
(U) Peter J. Collins, PhD EE: Electromagnetics (1996). Over 30 years of Government SME experience. Commander of National RCS Test Facility (NRTF) for 4 years leading a diverse team of Government and Contractor scientists, engineers and technicians to ensure testing and upgrades on the Air Force’s premiere outdoor static RCS range. Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) LO Curriculum Chair who updated AFIT’s LO program, including the area of RCS metrology and introduced uncertainty analysis and modeling and simulation for test design into the curriculum. RCS Certification Executive Committee Member for 5 years, pushing for balance in QA best practices and test cost. Served as RCS Range reviewer for AFRL’s MDL radar, AFRL’s ACR (including recertification), Northrop Grumman’s SAF II Compact Range (review committee chair), and Northrop Grumman’s Tejon Outdoor Range (observer). 2013 SAF Harold Brown Award winner for survivability technology development including efforts to develop low frequency noise radar enabled RCS measurement systems and a patented low clutter bistatic measurement concept for indoor RCS measurement. He is currently a senior staff engineer with Resonant Sciences focusing on survivability technologies.

Zhong Chen
Zhong Chen is the Director of RF Engineering at ETS-Lindgren, located in Cedar Park, Texas. He has over 25 years of experience in RF testing, anechoic chamber design, as well as antenna and EMC field probe design and measurements. He is currently serving as a board member for the IEEE EMC Society, and a past vice president of AMTA. He is the Chairman of Subcommittee 1 of ANSI ASC C63 which is responsible for EMC antenna calibration and test site validation standards. He is chairman of the IEEE Standard 1309 committee responsible for developing calibration standards for field probes, and IEEE Standard 1128 for absorber measurements. He served as a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE EMC society.
His research interests include antenna measurement, post processing techniques, anechoic chamber designs and evaluation, and development of novel RF absorber materials. Zhong Chen received his M.S.E.E. degree in electromagnetics from the Ohio State University at Columbus.

Dennis Lewis
The Boeing Company
Dennis Lewis received his BS EE degree with honors from Henry Cogswell College and his MS degree in Physics from the University of Washington. He has worked at Boeing for 34 years and is recognized as a Technical Fellow, leading the enterprise antenna measurement capability for Boeing Test and Evaluation. Dennis holds eleven patents and is the recipient of the 2013 & 2015 Boeing Special Invention Award. He is a senior member of the IEEE and several of its technical societies including the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), the Antennas and Propagation Society and the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society. He actively contributes to these societies as a member of the IEEE MTT-S subcommittee 3 on microwave measurements and as a Board Member and a past Distinguished Lecturer for the EMC Society. He is a Senior Member and served as Vice President on the Board of Directors for the Antenna Measurements Techniques Association (AMTA) and chaired its annual symposium in 2012. Dennis is a part time faculty member teaching a course on Measurement Science at North Seattle College and is chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee. His current technical interests include aerospace applications of reverberation chamber test techniques as well as microwave and antenna measurement systems and uncertainties.

Stuart Gregson
Next Phase Measurements
Professor Stuart Gregson has in excess of twenty five years of experience working in the space, aerospace and communications sectors and is currently Director of Operations and Research at Next Phase Measurements, and an honorary visiting professor in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London. He received his BSc degree in Physics in 1994 and his MSc degree in Microwave Solid State Physics in 1995 both from the University of Portsmouth. He received his PhD degree in 2003 from Queen Mary University of London with near-field antenna measurements and statistical pattern recognition as his main subject areas. From his time with: Airbus, Leonardo, NSI-MI and the National Physical Laboratory, Prof. Gregson has developed special experience with near-field antenna measurements, finite array mutual coupling, computational electromagnetics, installed antenna and radome performance prediction, compact antenna test range design & simulation, electromagnetic scattering, 5G OTA measurements and has published more than one hundred peer-reviewed research papers on these topics regularly contributing to and organizing industrial courses on these subject areas. At the end of 2007 he was the lead author of the research text Principles of Planar Near-Field Antenna Measurements which is now in its 2nd edition, and in 2014 he co-authored a second text, Theory and Practice of Modern Antenna Range Measurements now also in its 2nd edition. He is a Fellow of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association, a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and is a chartered Engineer and Physicist. In 2018, Prof. Gregson was elected to the AMTA Board of Directors where he served first as Treasurer, then as Vice President, and is current chair of the AMTA growth committee.